Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yellow Cupcake with Red Bean Paste Filling & Green Tea Frosting

Originally I was going to make green tea flavored cupcake with green tea frosting.  After seeing how the scones turned out, I didn't want to overdo it with too much green tea.  So I decided to make yellow cake out of a box and add red bean paste for the filling.  I like the idea of having a little surprise in the cupcake.  I saw that some people add chocolate chip cookie dough in the cupcake and thought why couldn't I modify that to match my taste.  The cake part was easy to prepare and make and the frosting took a little more work.  I didn't add as much butter as the recipe called for because i really don't like too much butter, it overpowers the other flavors.   I don't know what it is but I was pretty convinced that I don't like buttercream frosting from my last experience of trying to make it.  But then I had a cupcake at a party with buttercream frosting and it tasted delicious.  I wonder why?! I can't give up yet. I have to keep trying until I find a great recipe that I will absolutely fall in love with. Recipe and picture to follow.

Green Tea Frosting
(adapted from Baked:New Frontiers in Baking)


3/4 cup sugar
1/6 cup flour
1/2 Tbsp + 1tsp green tea (matcha) powder
3/4 cup milk
1/6 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract

In a saucepan, whisk sugar, flour, green tea (matcha) powder together. Add milk and cream and cook over medium heat, whisking occasionally. Cook until mixture comes to a boil and has thickened.
Using a mixer with a paddle attachment, beat the mixture on high until cooled. On low speed, add butter and mix until incorporated. Increase speed to medium-high until the frosting is light and fluffy.
Add vanilla extract and beat until combined. If frosting is too soft, place in refrigerator until it is firmer.

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