Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thit Heo Quay

Jenny introduced me to this website called Hungry Huy He has recipes and restaurant reviews. I skimmed through the website and found this BBQ Pork recipe. I thought I should try and see how this will turn out. This takes a long time to finish. It's a two step process. I have to prepare the meat one day in advance, refrigerate overnight and then bake the next day. The baking takes about 1 hr and then there's broiling in between. Luckily, I have help with this. I was all worked up and ready for a good tasting dinner but was a bit disappointing as the meat tasted stale and nothing like what you buy from the store. For all the trouble of making, it's not worthwhile to make. I think I'll just buy like I normally do when I crave this next time. In my opinion, Lien Hoa makes the best BBQ Pork. BTW, don't let the picture fool you, it's rather dry and tasteless :(

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