Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vanilla cupcakes & doll cake

Krystin and I volunteered to make Cara's birthday cake this year. So we got together this day to test out the decoration on the doll cake and the lavender infused whipped cream frosting for the vanilla cupcakes. It was our first time using dried lavender and I think we did something wrong the first round because the cream wouldn't whip to a stiff peak. We whipped the heavy cream for a good 10 minutes I think and it just sort of turned into lumps or butter? It was at a point of no return and could not be salvaged or at least we didnt' want to chance having this happen again the 2nd round. So we did a fresh batch and BOY! it really turned out great. The lavender flavor was very subtle and the cream was very light. I could have eaten more but I had to refrain. I have to watch my waist line these days... especially with the slowing metabolism, old age..etc..etc..
Cara and Chance helped with lining the muffin tins. Cara also helped with cutting the purple marshmallow fondant into little shapes for decorating the skirt. We used Betty Crocker cake mixes and premade yellow buttercream frosting for the doll skirt. Krystin decorated the skirt with Cara's help. I think she's got a natural talent for cake decorating. Her hands are a lot steadier than mine that's for sure. My only concern now is I am not sure if we can duplicate the colors for the actual day. I guess we will have to wait and see. I will keep you posted.

Here's the recipe. Enjoy!

Vanilla Cupcakes
from Amy Sedaris
16 cupcakes

1½ sticks unsalted butter
1¾ cups sugar
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
½ teaspoon salt
2½ teaspoons baking powder
2½ cups flour
1¼ cups milk

1. Preheat over to 350 degrees.
2. In large bowl, cream together butter and sugar.
3. Beat in eggs, vanilla, salt and baking powder.
4. Add flour in 3 batches, alternating with milk.
5. Beat at low speed for 30 seconds or until mixture is smooth and satiny.
6. Divide batter evenly among cups. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until tops are pale gold and toothpick or skewer inserted into center comes out clean.
7. Cool on wire rack for 45 minutes or until at room temperature.

Lavender Frosting Ingredients

1/3 cup whole milk
1/2 teaspoon dried lavender
3 cups icing sugar
Violet gel paste food color

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