Saturday, August 21, 2010

Strawberry Popsicles

I didn't know how easy it was to make popsicles until I came across this recipe and thought "WOW, how simple is this?" I had a big bag full of frozen strawberries and so this was another good way to use them up besides making shakes and bread.
I used my brownie pop mold by Wilton to make these mini popsicles for the kids. It looks like a perfect size but Chance eats about 2-3 at a time. Maybe I'll make bigger ones next time.

Strawberry Popsicle
fr: Bakerella website

2 cups strawberries in this case. Hull and half them.

Throw them in a food processor with 1 Tablespoon super fine sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and a pinch of salt.

Then blend it all together until completely smooth.

Pour and freeze.

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