Monday, June 21, 2010

Coconut Flan (Flan de Coco)

Every time we had a party at work, my director's wife would make us these flans and she usually adds coconut flakes. They are the most delicious homemade flans I have ever had. Her flans are not the smooth and silky kind that you get from the vietnamese store. Hers have some texture and with the coconut flakes are quite rich and more dense. I never thought that I personally would ever be making one of these but I did have coconut milk leftover from making the cake, I thought why let it go to waste. So I found this recipe and thought I might as well. I modified it just a little. I didn't add the 1/2 cup sugar for the flan and sub the evaporated milk with coconut milk. It was delicious but tastes sweeter than I would have liked. For the next time, I will reduce the sugar. Maybe I'll use just 1/2 the sweetened condensed milk next time. The only problem I had with this recipe was that the caramelized sugar on the bottom of the dish stayed crystallized and stuck to the dish after the flan was turned over. It seems like a waste to use so much sugar for the caramel sauce and see like 1/2 of it go to waste like that. Or it could be that I did something wrong?? I'll try to add some water next time for caramelizing the sugar to see if that makes any difference. I'll let you know. By the way, it may not look that appealing in my pictures but let me tell you that it was full of flavor and sweeter than sweet and I ate more than my fair share of these.

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