Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Starbucks Streusel Crumb Cake

Today I got try this new recipe I found on the internet for Starbuck's Crumb cake. The hubby and I always get this cake when we buy their pastry. I have to say that over the years the portion of this cake sold has gotten smaller and the price has gone up (like $1.95 for a tiny square of cake!). Well, I baked a 9"x13" sized cake for probably less than $5.00 and got a lot of servings out of it. It got a little dry because my oven was acting up again. It does this every so often...locks itself...and there's nothing I can do to open it except to wait for it to unlock. Sometimes I can get it to open up but it's not always successful. I had to leave for the gym so someone else was going to take it out of the oven when it was done but she couldn't get it to open up, so the cake sat in the oven for an extra hour. It came out not burnt but quite dry. It was still very delicious. This recipe is definitely a keeper. Here's the recipe if you want to give it a try:

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