Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookies & Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies

I have been craving these chocolate chip cookies for days now and finally got the chance to make a batch of each kind. I got greedy and couldn't just make one kind. I had all the ingredients for both, so I figured why not. You might think that I ate it all myself but that was not the case. I did share a lot of these cookies with coworkers and friends and family and whomever wants one. I think everyone enjoyed it. Who doesn't like a cookie every now and then or maybe one a day. I think one per day is not too bad right? It might not be good for your health but it sure is good for the taste buds and sometimes that overrides everything else. I don't really want to admit it, but this happens to me a lot. yeah.

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