Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Granola cookies and Chocolate chip cookies

Tomorrow is Teacher's appreciation at Chance's school. I volunteered to help set up and bring in some sweets. While my little one is taking a long nap, I managed to bake about 4 dozens of each kind. I am thankful for my stand up mixer. I didn't have to manually mix the dough. I think the chocolate chip cookies turned out better than ever before. I have made these quite a few times already and each time it seems to come out different, not the way I would have liked. However, I am not sure what I did differently this time but the cookies look pretty good, almost like the ones you can get from the store. The Granola cookies are amazing too. It was my first try at it and won't be my last. It tastes delicious.
Here is the link to the website where I got the granola recipe:
Chocolate Chip cookie recipe: Tollhouse recipe.


  1. Which recipe did you use? Post the recipe!

  2. Let me figure out where I got it first and then I'll figure out how to post it.
